Welcome to the Our Saviour School Science Fair Web Page!
Are you ready to begin working on your 2013 - 2014 science fair project?
Well, that's great! You can begin by asking yourself a few simple questions:
What am I interested in learning more about?
What questions do I have about the world around me?
What machines, tools, animals, plants, weather, or forms of energy can I observe?
Begin by observing the world around you.
Record your thoughts and ideas in a science journal.
*** A science Journal must be "bound", such as a composition notebook. No pages may ever be torn out. Brainstorming ideas are a great first entry to a science journal. They show an open minded student who wants to find a perfect project.
You do not have to choose exactly what topic or area of science you will choose right now.
When you have a variety of interests and topics, come visit Mr. Sterling in the science lab.
Together, we will go through your science notebook and narrow down your interests to one or two.
Then you will need to go home and discuss the top contenders with your parents.
Remember, a science experiment must be controllable, measured with a scientific instrument, interesting, safe, and something the student can do entirely or mostly on their own from start to finish.
*Please note that original ideas are highly revered in science fairs.
Brevard Science Fair for grades 3-6
Brevard Science Fair for grades 7-8